Physical Activity and Movement
Regular physical activity has enormous benefits for physical and mental health. About 80% of US adults and adolescents do not meet the guidelines for minimal amounts of physical activity.
As you become older, natural changes to your body can increase the need for regular exercise. K-State Research and Extension programming helps you do the activities you enjoy. Activity enhances your productivity, prevents or manages chronic disease, and helps you to live independently.
Below are links to resources on physical activity, movement and exercise. If you have questions contact your local extension office or contact a K-State Research and Extension Specialist.
Programs and Events
We offer a variety of learning opportunities and classes throughout the state. For more information on upcoming classes and events in your area, please contact your local extension office.
Stay Strong Stay Healthy
- This eight-week program for older adults focuses on improving strength and balance through a series of safe and effective exercises taught by certified instructors. Participants begin with a Level 1 class. Level 2 is available, in some communities, for participants that have complete two Level 1 classes.
Walk Kansas
- Walk Kansas is a health initiative that promotes personal health and well-being by helping participants adopt healthful lifestyle habits.
Walk With Ease
- Developed by The Arthritis Foundation, Walk With Ease group sessions meet for six weeks and include a pre-walk health education discussion followed by a ten to 40 minute walk. Stretching and strengthening exercises and motivational strategies are also included to get you safely moving toward better health.
A Matter of Balance
- A Matter of Balance helps adults realize that falls — and the fear of falling — are controllable. The program provides information on ways to change your environment to limit risk factors that contribute to falling and will help you find strength and balance exercises to reduce your chances of falling. Contact your local extension office to learn more about this program.