Home Lawn and Ornamental Landscaping
A healthy lawn is a natural air purifier that contributes to soil stability and prevents erosion. Understanding the science behind turf management helps your lawn look beautiful.
Landscaping is the arrangement of plants, trees and structures to create appealing and functional outdoor spaces. Well-designed landscaping enhances your property's appearance, improves environmental quality, and can increase the value of your home. Our resources help you to make your outdoor spaces thrive.
Our team of horticulture experts provides practical advice to help Kansans with their lawn and landscaping needs. The Master Gardener program and local events at the county level provide hands-on learning activities. Written publications (KSRE Bookstore, News-Media Services), video (Kansas Healthy Yards and Communities; K-State Garden Hour webinar series), and audio programs (K-State Radio Network) help you make decisions about your lawn and landscape.
Our resources provide helpful information for your lawn and landscaping needs. If you have specific questions, please contact your local extension office.