Natural Resources

Our Work
K-State Research and Extension recognizes that Kansas has a diverse range of natural resources. Every department, office and center within our organization focuses on helping Kansans balance the use and protection of natural resources today and into the future.
Our mission is to develop and deliver knowledge for advancing agriculture, sustaining resources and enriching our understanding of our state’s environment, forests, water and wildlife.
Researchers, specialists and extension agents are equipped to support rural and urban environmental studies. Research centers focused on enhancing science-based study, outreach and teaching activities help Kansans navigate environmental issues impacting agriculture and communities.
Fish and Wildlife
It is important to maintain and protect wildlife habitats in Kansas. Ponds, pastures, farm grounds and trees offer many species a place of residence. The fish and wildlife management team at K-State Research and Extension provides resources about common wildlife animals, fisheries and pond management in Kansas.
Kansas forests and woodlands make up a small but important percentage of the Kansas landscape and are critical to public health and well-being. The K-State Research and Extension Forestry program conducts outreach and educational events each year, held in cooperation with county Extension agents and Kansas Forest Service (KFS) staff.
Natural Disasters
Knowing more about natural disasters and potential threats can help reduce the likelihood or the severity. Our team of Extension specialists provide real-world resources that help you and your family plan for any situation.
Water Resources
Our changing climate brings water conservation studies into sharp focus, especially as water use is a key factor for sustaining our state’s agricultural productivity. Work to improve and protect water quality is equally important, as this issue affects rural and urban communities alike.
We work with research and extension faculty, students and members of our community to explore new ways to create quality solutions for the environmental issues that our state faces. Through our partnerships, we are helping Kansas agriculture remain successful and sustainable.