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  4. »Tax Time--Refund or Owe, There is Opportunity!

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 21, 2017

Tax Time--Refund or Owe, There is Opportunity!

Submitted by Kate Mielitz

Tax Time graphic

Tax time could mean a refund for you and your family! If you’re entitled to a tax refund, what will you do with it? If you’re not entitled to a tax refund, are there steps you can take to owe less next year?

Do you qualify to file for FREE? If you do your own taxes you may qualify to file for free on federal and state tax returns.

Tax time is a great opportunity to act on a new savings plan! Do you have savings in case of emergency? Using your tax refund to start or complete your emergency savings plan is a great way to put your money to work for you! If you didn’t get a tax refund this year, are you contributing to your 401k account? Making pre-tax contributions to a retirement plan can decrease your overall taxable income and may result in less money owed to Uncle Sam!

America Saves Week is February 27-March 4, 2017! Share what you’re doing with your tax refund and you could win!