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  4. »Kansas 4-H Foundation Sends First-Year 4-H Innovation Fund Checks

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

October 1, 2019

Kansas 4-H Foundation Sends First-Year 4-H Innovation Fund Checks

Submitted by Rhonda Atkinson

Agents and volunteers receiving Kansas 4-H Foundation Innovation Fund Grants found large checks in their mail last week. Nearly $100,000 was disbursed allowing agents and volunteers to begin grant work on October 1. The majority of the grants are multi-year projects ranging from three to five years, and at the completion of the five-year period, it is projected that $300,000 will be awarded.

“The Kansas 4-H Foundation Board of Trustees and staff are excited to launch this phase of the Innovation Fund program, and we look forward to the learning that will take place during the next five years. The stories, testimonials, photos and quantitative data the agents will gather during this process will be valuable to making more opportunities available to Kansas youth,” Jake Worcester, Kansas 4-H Foundation President and CEO said.

Worcester will announce the timeframe for applications at the KAE4-HA business meeting during the 2019 Annual Extension Conference .