August 3, 2021
Vaccinations: Get Caught Up for You, for Your Family - We Can Do This!
Submitted by Gayle Price and Elaine Johannes

The COVID-19 Delta variant is challenging us all, but the good news is vaccination is on an up-tick. We can do this!
Please, use and share the following resources:
- Locations of COVID-19 vaccinations are available by zip code at: (or call 1-800-232-0233; every day 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. CDT)
- August is National Immunization Awareness Month - toolkit items to reach parents are here
- Kansas vaccination clinics in areas impacted by inequities: Equity Clinics
- Kansas campaign resources and toolkits:
- Vaccine Misinformation, Myths and Facts discussed in short videos like "About That Microchip thing. . ."
- 5 Things to Know about the Delta Variant by Yale University
- Immunization facts and resources: Immunize Kansas Coalition (IKC)
Looking ahead, the KSRE EXCITE project will be launching an information campaign this fall to encourage everyone to get caught up on their vaccinations. Local Extension units will be able apply for up-to $500 to implement community-based campaigns, incentives, pop-up clinics, and to provide help for those who might need transportation, child care, companions, time away from work, etc. to get the vaccine.
If you have questions or would like to receive the one-page proposal for the $500 funds, contact:
Gayle Price,; or Elaine Johannes,