April 19, 2022
Public Service Loan Forgiveness
The path to reducing your monthly student loan payment and working toward loan forgiveness could be getting much easier. That's because you have access to a robust solution that helps find the best federal repayment and forgiveness programs for your financial situation. And yes, the average student debt savings is $1,880 per year.*
Brought to you through TIAA and Savi, this tool not only helps strengthen your financial footing in the short-term, it also positions you for student loan forgiveness.
- Caps your payment based on your income and family size
- Frees up funds to direct towards other financial goals
- Removes the complexities of forgiveness and puts the process on auto-pilot for a small fee**
We're so excited to bring this opportunity to our employees and their family members. Attend a 30-minute webinar and you’ll see how easy it is to use Savi, how it works to reduce your monthly payment and how to get started.
Register today.
To get started, visit TIAA.org/kbor/student today to calculate your savings.
Here is the link to the Savi Quick Start Guide.
Here is a link to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness page on the Human Capital Services page; it also has some frequently asked questions that may be helpful.
*As of December 31, 2020, based on Savi’s internal measurements, Savi users saw average projected savings of $1,880 per year.
**Savi and TIAA are independent entities. A portion of any fee charged by Savi is shared with TIAA to offset marketing costs for the program. In addition, TIAA has a minority ownership interest in Savi. TIAA makes no representations regarding the accuracy or completeness of any information provided by Savi. TIAA does not provide tax or legal advice. Please contact your personal tax or legal adviser.
Investment, insurance, and annuity products are not FDIC insured, are not bank guaranteed, are not bank deposits, are not insured by any federal government agency, are not a condition to any banking service or activity, and may lose value.