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  4. »2022 National 4-H Congress- Standard of Excellence & Centennial Delegate Nominations

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

July 19, 2022

2022 National 4-H Congress- Standard of Excellence & Centennial Delegate Nominations

Submitted by Amy Sollock

Congress Logo

National 4-H Congress is a recognition, educational, cultural and community service experience held November 25-29, 2022 in Atlanta, GA. The total cost of the trip is $2,000. The National 4-H Congress website is as follows: http://national4-hcongress.com/. In addition to the State Project Award Winners that represent Kansas 4-H at National 4-H Congress, we have two additional types of Congress delegates:

  1. Standard of Excellence Delegates
    Represent Kansas 4-H Key Award winners from the previous 4-H year who have been nominated by their extension unit in the current year using the following Kansas 4-H guidelines no later than August 15. Seven youth are randomly drawn by the State 4-H Office and are offered the opportunity to attend and will be sent a link to complete an acceptance form. Those who formally accept must provide a non-refundable $300 deposit no later than September 1, which will be applied to their total registration fee. Delegates will be provided with a generous $1000 grant from the Kansas 4-H Foundation to help defray the registration expenses. The remaining $700 is due no later than October 15.

  2. Centennial Delegates
    Represent an at-large delegate who has been nominated by their extension unit to attend Congress. The selection criteria process is up to each local extension unit but to be eligible, youth must meet the following Kansas 4-H guidelines. Participating extension units will need to submit their nomination no later than August 15. Delegates must pay a non-refundable $300 deposit no later than September 1, which will be applied to the delegate’s total registration fee. Cost for delegates is the full amount (no registration grant is offered). The remaining $1,700 is due no later than October 15.

If you have youth that are interested in this opportunity, nominations are due by August 15. Please complete the 2022 National 4-H Congress- Kansas 4-H Standard of Excellence & Centennial Delegate Nomination Qualtrics form to submit your nominations. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your patience as we awaited for details and updated trip costs from the National 4-H Congress planning leadership team.