September 6, 2022
Shout Out: KSRE Bookstore and Mail Center and University Printing
The Shout Out this week comes from Terry Roberts, Program Coordinator with 4-H Youth Development, and is directed to the KSRE Bookstore and Mail Center, along with University Printing. Terry writes:
"I wish to nominate the KSRE Bookstore and Mail Center, along with University Printing, for a well-deserved Shout Out. This team of fabulous people helped receive multiple large deliveries for Kansas 4-H this summer. They also shared space to house several pallets of curriculum, which made our distribution process more efficient. Thank you!"
KSRE Bookstore an Mail Center, along with University Printing, thanks for all you do for the people of Kansas, our colleagues and K-State Research and Extension.
If you know of a colleague or team of colleagues who deserve recognition for a job well done, why not nominate them for a Shout Out. Simply send their name(s) and the reason for the Shout Out to Also, it would be very helpful if you would put "Shout Out" in the subject line of the email.