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  4. »Continuing Education is Essential

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

June 18, 2024

Continuing Education is Essential

Submitted by Jay Harris

In the ever-evolving field of extension, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. As extension personnel, our role in educating and supporting our community hinges on our ability to provide up-to-date, evidence-based information.

This is why continuing education and professional development are not just beneficial -- they are essential. Our role is to be a trusted source of information and support, guiding community members through uncertain times with confidence and expertise.

K-State Research and Extension’s goal is to provide technical assistance, evidence-based programs and resource connections to citizens who want their communities to survive and prosper. Today’s world is ever changing, influenced by advancements in technology, changes in climate, advancements in medical research and evolving world market demands.

Continuing education helps extension personnel stay current with the latest research, tools, and best practices. This knowledge enables us to offer relevant advice and innovative solutions to the challenges faced by our local community.

Kansas has a diverse range of natural resources. Every department, office and center within our organization focuses on helping Kansans balance the use and protection of natural resources today and into the future. You might be working with an agriculture producer to improve crop, fruit, and vegetable varieties; livestock traits and handling systems; or pest control. Or you might be working with a homeowner to improve their home lawn, garden and landscaping. Our mission is to develop and deliver knowledge for advancing agriculture, sustaining resources and enriching our understanding of our state’s environment, forests, water and wildlife.

We strive to help our communities improve their health and wellness. This includes physical, mental, financial and social wellness, not just the absence of illness or injury. We have a financial planning team that is made up of specialists, researchers and agents dedicated to providing practical solutions to real-world problems. This team provides helpful resources to keep you on track for business planning, crop insurance, agricultural policy, family finances and budgeting.

And let us not forget the important work we do with youth in our communities. We engage youth in high quality learning opportunities where they are and help them THRIVE! This is what drives 4-H Youth Development programming. There are diverse opportunities all year long as 4-H helps youth connect, learn, serve and lead.

Professional development opportunities, such as workshops, seminars and online courses, allow us to deepen our expertise and expand our skill set. Whether it's mastering new crop management techniques; understanding our aging populations, our housing needs or our childcare needs; or learning about the latest digital tools, these skills enhance our effectiveness in the field.

Continuing education also provides valuable opportunities for networking. Engaging with peers, researchers and industry experts fosters collaboration and the exchange of ideas. These connections can lead to new insights and partnerships that benefit our work and the communities we serve.

As extension personnel, we encourage lifelong learning among the communities we serve. By modeling this commitment ourselves, we reinforce the value of education and continuous improvement. This not only enhances our credibility but also inspires others to pursue their own educational journeys.

Our organization is committed to supporting the professional development of all extension personnel. We have access to a wide range of resources, including online courses, workshops and seminars, conferences and mentorship programs.

Continuing education is not just an option; it is a vital part of our mission to serve our communities effectively. By investing in our own learning and growth, we ensure that we can provide the best possible support to those who rely on our expertise. Let's embrace the opportunities for professional development and continue to lead the way in providing up-to-date, evidence-based information.

Stay curious, stay informed, and stay connected!