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KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

January 7, 2020

Extension Updates

Submitted by Mark Stadtlander

Food Handling Guidelines for Exempt Food Vendors, MF3472. Londa Nwadike. Foods and beverages such as sandwiches, pizza, nachos, grilled meats, and non-alcoholic drinks are often sold for immediate consumption at many Kansas events. It's important to know licensing requirements and best practices to protect against foodborne illnesses in such settings.

Kansas Sorghum Management 2020, MF3046. Ignacio Ciampitti et al. This recently updated publication covers multiple facets of sorghum production, helping Kansas producers manage their crop efficiently and profitably.

Kansas Soybean Management 2020, MF3154. Ignacio Ciampitti et al. This recently updated publication covers multiple facets of soybean production, helping Kansas producers manage their crop efficiently and profitably.

Kansas Corn Management 2020, MF3208. Ignacio Ciampitti et al. This updated publication offers advice to manage Kansas corn crops as efficiently and profitably as possible.