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  4. »Kansas Radon Action Month, January 2021

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

December 15, 2020

Kansas Radon Action Month, January 2021

Submitted by Brian R Hanson

January 2021 is once again Kansas Radon Action Month! With all of us spending more time in our homes, KRAM is an excellent time to promote residential radon gas testing and mitigation to your clients. The Kansas Radon Program does still have radon test kits available for Extension office purchase for resale; kits are still $5.50 per unit. Call 785-532-6026 or email Laura Wallace, lwallace@ksu.edu, to order.

KRP will be promoting KRAM on social media. Follow us at @Kansas Radon on Twitter and @KansasRadonProgram on Facebook. Additionally, you can find social media graphics for Kansas for internal client promotion at https://kansasradonprogram.org/kansas-radon-social-media. Graphics designed for Facebook are at the top of the page, graphics designed for Twitter at the bottom. We request you use the suggested #'s for metrics purposes.

KRP staff is also available to provide live public webinars throughout the winter months. Contact Brian Hanson at 785-532-4996 or at bhanson@ksu.edu to schedule.

Additionally, KRP will be hosting 5-topic specific 1/2 hour webinars for radon professionals, health department personnel and Extension agents on Wednesdays beginning the end of January (January 27-February 24). KRP will send out registration information for that series after the first of the year.

Contact Brian Hanson at 785-532-4996 or at bhanson@ksu.edu with any questions!