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  4. »January First Friday Call has Been Rescheduled to January 8

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

December 15, 2020

January First Friday Call has Been Rescheduled to January 8

Submitted by Nancy Daniels

First Friday Call

In response to demand, we have created a January 8 First Friday e-Call. The call highlights the BRITE Center: Business Resources for Innovation, Technology, and Exporting. The Center's mission is to assist small businesses involved in innovation or technology and those with potential for exporting. Center Director, Karl Klein says, "We offer high-level advising and educational programs and can serve as a conduit to resources and capital."

In addition, information will be given by K-State's Entrepreneurship Center about the 2021 Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge (YEC). The YEC competition is for student-created, managed, and owned ventures and promotes entrepreneurship and small business development in Kansas. For more information, see the YEC website. 

If you're already registered for the First Friday e-Call, the same sign-on information will apply to January 8. Here's the registration link. One registration and you don’t have to register again.

Once you are accepted, please put the calendar item into your calendar, so you will have it each time. If you don’t get it, check your spam filter; the email will come from Nancy Daniels <no-reply@zoom.us>. Questions, ask Nancy Daniels, nkdaniels@ksu.edu