November 2, 2021
In the Weeks to Come
The past 12 days have been stressful for us and our system. The vaccine requirement that was necessary to comply with an executive order established by the President of the United States has left some of our own colleagues and colleagues at other land-grant, public and even private higher education institutions with difficult decisions.
No matter what your opinion is of the vaccine or the executive order, please understand that this is a very difficult decision for some of our colleagues. Give them grace, understanding and a listening ear as they navigate their decision in the weeks to come.
Some of our colleagues may choose to leave our system over this requirement. The impact of anyone’s potential departure will be felt on both a personal and professional level. Respect everyone’s decision and, for those who do decide to leave, wish them the best in their future endeavors.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we have all had to be flexible during stressful situations. Please practice patience and understanding as the system adjusts to this new challenge.
As always, we will get through this one way or the other. Let’s make sure we get through this with collegiality and grace.