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  4. »Hunting Lease Webinar January 20

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

January 10, 2023

Hunting Lease Webinar January 20

Submitted by Robin Reid

Drew Ricketts, KSRE Wildlife Specialist, will be doing a webinar presentation on January 20, at 10 a.m. to cover the topic of Hunting Leases in Kansas. I know this is a topic you likely receive questions on, or will soon, as it seems to be growing in our state every year! This is a training for KSRE agents and professionals, not the public.

This presentation will be structured as a "train-the-trainer," so the PowerPoint will be provided if you want to use the material for a presentation in your own county/district. You are also welcome to participate just as professional development for general knowledge on the subject.

The Zoom link was sent out on the Ag Agent listserv before Christmas break and will be again the week of the webinar, but if you are not on the Ag Agent listserv and would like the information, please email Robin Reid, robinreid@ksu.edu, and I will provide you the link. The presentation will be recorded and posted to the Agent page of AgManager:  https://www.agmanager.info/pft, for those that cannot make it live.

In this issue

From the Director for Extension
From KSRE Administration
Local, Regional and Statewide Extension Events
Volunteer Opportunities
Human Resource Information
Health and Wellness
Extension Professional Trainings
Publications Update
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